Easy To Hear
East To hear
Talk, listen, and watch from the comfort of your favorite chair without having to strain to hear. The Konnekt Videophone is easy to hear thanks to the two LARGE built-in speakers. MUCH bigger than the speakers in an iPad, tablet or laptop and not at all “tinny”, like those found in some third-party speakers.
The ringing volume is separately adjustable and can be made EXTRA loud. Allowing you to hear an incoming call from several rooms away, even if you’re a little hard of hearing.
We can make your Videophone EXTREMELY loud if you have trouble hearing. Achieving a max of 96 decibels without loosing quality voice, or for comparison, the loudness of a train horn. We of course can just as easily make the call softer if used in a shared room with others.
The Konnekt Videophone is great for those who are hard-of-hearing. The large 15-inch (38cm) screen is big enough for you to augment your conversation with lip reading, while also offering Voice Captioning for those who truly need the little extra help.